Behind the Desk - John Mattox

Introducing “Behind the Desk”—a blog series where we peel back the professional facade and delve into the unique personalities that make our law firm shine. From the quiet disruptors to the office comedians, “Behind the Desk” promises to be a captivating journey into the heart and soul of our team.  Join us as we spotlight the incredible individuals who bring their passion, quirks, and expertise to the workplace every day. 

Meet John!  

When asked to describe John in one word, his officemates describe him as contemplative, intentional, virtuous, genuine, compassionate, and a stalwart. John is a great asset to our firm, and we hope you enjoy getting to know him more in the following interview.  

What was your first job? What did this job teach you? And, if you didn’t learn anything from this job, what was the best and worst part about the job? 

My first job was a paper route when I was eight. My mom took me and my brother who was five at the time and we delivered papers to an apartment complex that serviced senior citizens. I did that in Indiana for a few years and then later on we moved to New York where I picked it back up. Delivering papers taught me a lot about working and saving money. In fact, I saw very little of that money. It was put into a fund that I could use later on to do my missionary service, pay for college, and that sort of thing.  Really, I’m so grateful and thankful to my mom for having me do that at a young age to learn how to get up in the morning and to save money to learn some responsibility. 

Was there any difference in delivering papers in Indiana compared to New York? 

In Indiana, at the apartments, delivery was all indoors. It was a little bit easier and different—you just put the paper right next to their door. In New York, it was primarily duplexes at West Point—where the military folk lived. The papers were delivered outside and had to be bagged. We also filled the paper machines at West Point. I do remember the New York Blizzard of ‘96 where it dumped about three or four feet of snow. I ended up having a week off from school. Nonetheless, the next day, at my mom’s direction, we were out delivering papers.  

So that might have been the worst part of the job? 

The worst part of the job was collecting. Going around every month and collecting payment was by far the worst part. Sometimes the people weren’t there, or you had to go back or they gave you excuses for why they wouldn’t pay. It was just a pain as a kid to go and knock on every door like “okay, it’s time to pay for the paper.”  Morning delivery was pretty fun though and something I really enjoyed. 

What’s the most interesting or challenging part of your job now? 

I think the most interesting thing is learning new things, being exposed to different types of work, and to see the breadth of work that the federal government does and the infinite possibilities of how things can lead to legal disputes. You see see new things all the time. It’s not just the same old, same old every day. 

Do you have any hidden talents or unique skills that your colleagues might not know about? 

I’m conversant in Portuguese. It’s been a while since I was in it, but I was actually just reading a book in Portuguese yesterday on the plane. So, I think that’s it.  

What’s your ideal weekend or vacation getaway? 

Traveling somewhere with the family. Just exploring something new, going to a new city, or a new site of interest, either historic or natural.  

So not the beach? 

Probably not. Not that I don’t like that, too. It’s just not my ideal getaway, for sure. 

Can you share a brief anecdote from one of your recent adventures? 

I recently went down to Oklahoma for Trek where I, along with my fellow church members, recreated the effort of the western migration along the Mormon trail. I was responsible for a family of children. We pulled a wagon (through rain and shine) over 15 miles during our trek. Walking in the steps of our forebearers was a remarkable experience filled with learning and growing. I really enjoyed it a lot. 


We hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit more about John! 

Stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes glimpses of our incredible team. In addition, do not hesitate to contact us for all of your federal government contract needs.  

Behind the Desk – John Mattox was last modified: June 17th, 2024 by Timothy Laughlin